Virtual Club Zwift Rides organized by Steve Dickens

Steve will commence the MHBC group Zwift rides on Monday, November 1 .

Last season there were an average of 10-14 riders per ride. Steve is planning to go to 3 times a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday).

The rides will be one hour long starting at 6pm. Be ready to ride at 5:55pm as the app puts wheels down promptly at 6 pm. The rubber band feature again to keep the group together. If you want a proper workout and want to ride faster but still want to ride with the group you can use the workout/training feature and still ride with the group.

Below are some good links that should get you orientated on what you need to buy to get a good set-up. The phone Zwift app will be used to message each other during the ride so you will need to download that also.

What do you need to Zwift: Zwift

Recommended hardware: Hardware

Zwift Group Rides: Group Rides

For you to able to join the meet-up you need to follow Steve on Zwift app so he can add you to the group. His Zwift name is: Steven Dickens.

Steve wants to give everyone ample time to buy kit, subscribe to the app and ask questions before starting the winter schedule.

Contact Steve with any questions:

2022 MHBC Board Member Nominations and Election

It is time for the 2022 MHBC board member election. Meetings are traditionally held the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM. During these meetings we discuss admin work (insurance, taxes, website work etc) as well as the direction of the club.

We will be voting (if position is contested) and confirming during the MHBC Fall Round-up on 10/16/21.

We would love to have more involvement for the 2022 year. Come join us and help make the MHBC the best it can be!

Nominations are due by Friday, Oct 15. Use the link below for more information and to submit a nomination

MHBC Fall Roundup, Saturday, Oct 16, Tony Willams Park, Highland

Join us for an outdoor event to ride, eat and vote for next years club officers. There will be three rides with leaders. A/B 40-miles, C 30-miles and 20 miles on the Empire State Rail Trail. Riding on the Hudson Valley Rail Trail to the Walkway over the Hudson, about 10-miles, will also be an option. The club will provide pizza for lunch at 1:00 PM, under the pavilion, if you wish to attend but not ride. Election of club officers will follow. Arrive early to sign-in and saddle up. Rides leave at 10:00am. Please print your own cue sheets or load the route to your device. Bring your own food if pizza is not to your liking. Club COVID procedures will be followed. Questions? Call or email Bill Miller 845 332-5922 or sign up on the club calendar

40 mile Plattekill route

30 mile route