Our rides have 3 categories: expected average pace, distance, and terrain. Pace is designated A - D, with A being the fasted and D being the slowest. Terrain is designated 1 - 5, with 1 being the flattest and 5 being the hilliest.

·       Pace indicates average upon completion of ride. Riders should be able to maintain the pace for the entire distance of the ride.

·       Pace may vary during ride, depending on terrain.


·       A: 18+ mph

·       B+: 16-18 mph

·       B: 14-16 mph

·       C+: 12-14 mph

·       C: 10-12 mph

·       D: under 10 mph


·       1: Primarily flat; occasional rolling hills

·       2: Moderate rolling hills

·       3: Mostly rolling hills

·       4: Hilly with one or more steep climbs

·       5: Consistently hilly with several steep climbs

For example, a ride rated B57-T4 would be a 57 mile ride with significant hills, which will be led at a pace between 14-16 miles per hour.