Steve will commence the MHBC group Zwift rides on Monday, November 1 .
Last season there were an average of 10-14 riders per ride. Steve is planning to go to 3 times a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday).
The rides will be one hour long starting at 6pm. Be ready to ride at 5:55pm as the app puts wheels down promptly at 6 pm. The rubber band feature again to keep the group together. If you want a proper workout and want to ride faster but still want to ride with the group you can use the workout/training feature and still ride with the group.
Below are some good links that should get you orientated on what you need to buy to get a good set-up. The phone Zwift app will be used to message each other during the ride so you will need to download that also.
What do you need to Zwift: Zwift
Recommended hardware: Hardware
Zwift Group Rides: Group Rides
For you to able to join the meet-up you need to follow Steve on Zwift app so he can add you to the group. His Zwift name is: Steven Dickens.
Steve wants to give everyone ample time to buy kit, subscribe to the app and ask questions before starting the winter schedule.
Contact Steve with any questions: