RIDE LEADEr Calendar Instructions
RIDE LEADERS: If you have not received your personal Ride Leader Calendar Link please contact Tim McNamara — email: mhbc.webtech@gmail.com . All 2023/2024 Rider leaders were sent this email on January 22, 2024:
Mid Hudson Bike Club Ride Leaders:
You are receiving this note because you were identified as a Ride Leader on one or more rides listed on the MHBC ride calendar in 2023/2024. We are making some changes/improvements that will hopefully simplify both signing up for rides and for leading rides. There are three main issues these changes are addressing: 1) We’ve introduced a mobile phone app that allows all members to easily sign up for rides. 2) Ability for the ride leader to make any changes to the ride they posted and to see all the rider’s contact information and 3) Electronic signup sheets -- access to rider contact information.
A mobile calendar app is now available for the MHBC ride calendar. There are instructions posted on the MHBC website. We’ve tested this out with a number of ride leaders and members and overwhelmingly have had positive comments for how easy it is to use once it’s set up. Members can see the rides in a very nice format and in one click can sign up for a ride. Please download this app to your phone as this will allow you, as a ride leader, to have access to each rider’s contact information (electronic signup). You can create/edit rides from the mobile app as well using your personal link. Instructions are here:
Only Ride Leaders can post a ride on the MHBC Ride Calendar. Once you become a ride leader you will be assigned and sent a personal ride leader calendar link that you will use to post your rides. Please bookmark this link in your browser as this will be the link that you should use to post all future rides that you lead. This link must also be added to the mobile TEAMUP app’s DASHBOARD on your phone as it will give you access to each rider’s contact information while on your ride. It is a requirement that you have your phone so you can access the all rider’s contact phones in case of an emergency during your ride. We are requiring each ride leader to make their contact information available to each rider on your ride. The easiest way to do this is to post your name, cell# and emergency # in the ride leader field, but be aware that this information will be viewable by anyone who visits the calendar on our website. If you do not want to post your information publicly, you MUST get this information to each rider before the ride (hand out a printed paper for example).
Last year we decided to eliminate the use of hand written signup sheets for each ride that had been in use for decades. However, this meant that the ride leader no longer had access to each rider’s cell phone or emergency contact phone number. For safety concerns, the ride leader should have access to each rider’s info in case a rider gets lost, has an equipment issue or has an accident/medical emergency. Any ride that you create from your personal link will now enable you to see each rider’s contact information. This contact information will NOT be displayed on the calendar for privacy reasons, but the ride leader can see this info from their personal link.
Here are some General instructions on how to post a ride:
**NOTE: All Ride Leaders will be sent a unique/personal Ride Leader link that they should use to create their rides from. This will allow the Ride leader to modify/edit the ride and have access to all rider's cell phone numbers, emergency numbers and email addresses via the Mobile Calendar App.
Enter title of ride in the top box: Ex: Mid Hudson Ride C+40
Deselect “All Day” and enter the start time and end time.
Click on the Calendar box and select the type of ride.
In the LEADER box please type in this format: RIDE LEADER NAME CELL#————-EMERGENCY#———-
Enter the starting location. Please include a physical address so riders can use their car/phone navigation to the starting location.
IMPORTANT: CLICK ON “IMPORTANT INFO” BOX AND SELECT MESSAGE, this allows the members to see what to do when signing up for the ride. There is only one Message ( in RED) to select and you must select the message in order to save the ride to the calendar.
Write the description, make sure to add the Ride With GPS link. MAKE SURE IT IS A RIDE IN THE CLUB LIBRARY!! If you need help with that, please contact Tim McNamara/Jason Klock.
Save the Ride and confirm it appears on the MHBC Ride Calendar.
If you have any questions, you can email Tim McNamara at mhbc.webtech@gmail.com. Any comments/suggestions are welcomed as we are always looking for the best way to serve the membership.
Tim McNamara
Each Rider Leader will receive their personal MHBC Ride Calendar link with these instructions:
Hello MHBC Ride Leader,
Below is your personal MHBC Ride Calendar link, that going forward you should use to post any ride on the MHBC calendar. By using this link, you will be able to make any changes to a ride you post. You will also be able to view each rider’s contact information. The rider’s contact info will not be viewable from the calendar link on the MHBC website. Please bookmark this link below and add this to our TEAMUP mobile app. Treat this link as a password protected account for your use only.
Please read previous email titled” Mid Hudson Bike Club Ride Calendar - IMPORTANT RIDE LEADER INFORMATION” for more detailed instructions on posting a ride and using the mobile ride calendar app that will make viewing all this information much easier.
Please let me know if there are any questions/comments/concerns.
Tim McNamara