MHBC Fall Round Up and Potluck Lunch 2018

When: Saturday October 27, 2018 10:00 AM

Where: High Falls Fire House -7 Firehouse Rd. High Falls, NY 12440 (off Mohonk Rd.)

Why: Last official social event and ride of the year. Election of club officers for 2019

Details: Five Rides to choose from:

            A: 34 miles with a few good climbs

            B: 28 miles with rolling hills

            C: 22 miles with mostly flat terrain

            D: 16 miles (out and back) following the D & H Canal on backcountry roads.                           You can make this ride shorter if you want. 

            Rail Trail: Flat terrain along the O & W Rail Trail. Mountain or Hybrid Bikes                    recommended.


All rides leave at 10:00AM so get to the firehouse early to kit-up and sign-in.

Bring a hot or cold meal to share. The firehouse has refrig. and stove to use. Lunch starts at 12:30PM. The club will provide drinks, plates and utensils. Business meeting and election of club officers will follow lunch. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in the meeting. If you are not a club member, please come, introduced yourself to me and ride with a group as an introduction to our club. You are allow one free ride before membership would be required for insurance purposes. If the weather is terrible and riding is cancelled ie heavy downpour or that S__w word, lunch and business meeting will start at 12noon.  If you have any question or concerns contact me, Bill Miller, at or call 845 332-5922