Dutchess County Transportation Council (DCTC)

Every year, the Dutchess County Transportation Council (DCTC) organizes volunteers to count people walking and bicycling at 30-35 locations around the county.

The dates for this year’s counts are Tuesday September 12, Wednesday September 13, and Thursday September 14 (all 4-6 pm; the volunteer chooses which day to count), as well as Saturday, September 16 (12-2 pm).

(Note that we try to count on ‘typical’ days, so we can change dates as needed to avoid community events).

 For more information on this program, see our Pedestrian & Bicycle Counts webpage.


This year, I’m trying out an online sign-up sheet – that way we can all see what spots are still open.

Please check it out here, and sign up by August 31https://www.volunteersignup.org/DRC9P