Fall Roundup Information

November 12, 2016     10:00AM Ride D16, C23 or B28 miles through the Rondout Valley of Ulster Co.

The O&W Marbletown Rail Trail is near by for anyone who wants off road riding. Start: High Falls Fire House, Fire House Road, 12440.

There will be a Pot Luck lunch after the riding. Please bring a dish to share. Paper plates and plastic utensils will be provided.

Stove and refrigerator will be available to heat or cool food.

If the weather is terrible and rides are cancelled we will have lunch and the election of club officers for 2017 beginning at 12noon.

B-ride: www.ridewithgps.com/routes/3634575

C-ride: www.ridewithgps.com/routes/3634843

D-ride: www.ridewithgps.com/routes/3634953

Any questions contact Bill Miller at 845 657-9764 or email wvmillerjr@yahoo.com